12. Ipyleaflet#
12.1. Introduction#
ipyleaflet is a Python library that brings the power of Leaflet.js to Jupyter Notebooks. It allows interactive mapping, geospatial visualization, and dynamic map customization with widgets.
12.1.1. Learning Objectives#
By the end of this lecture, you will:
Understand what ipyleaflet is and how it differs from Folium.
Learn to create basic maps and add markers.
Explore how to use geospatial layers and data.
Customize maps with widgets and interactivity.
12.2. 1. Installing and Importing ipyleaflet#
To install ipyleaflet, run the following command:
pip install ipyleaflet
Then, import it in Python:
from ipyleaflet import Map, Marker
12.3. 2. Creating a Basic Map#
A simple ipyleaflet map can be created as follows:
m = Map(center=(37.7749, -122.4194), zoom=10)
12.3.1. Map Parameters#
: The latitude and longitude of the map center.zoom
: The initial zoom level.
12.4. 3. Adding Markers#
Markers help highlight specific locations on the map.
marker = Marker(location=(37.7749, -122.4194))
12.5. 4. Adding Tile Layers#
Different tile layers can be used to change the appearance of the map.
from ipyleaflet import TileLayer
Common tile providers:
Stamen Terrain
CartoDB DarkMatter
12.6. 5. Adding GeoJSON Layers#
GeoJSON files allow visualization of geospatial boundaries.
from ipyleaflet import GeoJSON
import json
data = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [-122.4194, 37.7749]},
"properties": {"name": "San Francisco"},
gj = GeoJSON(data=data)
12.7. 6. Adding a Choropleth Layer#
Choropleth maps visualize geographic data distributions.
from ipyleaflet import Choropleth
import pandas as pd
# Example data
geojson_url = (
data = {"USA": 100, "CAN": 50, "MEX": 75}
choro = Choropleth(geo_data=geojson_url, choro_data=data, key_on="id")
12.8. 7. Adding Layer Controls#
To toggle layers dynamically:
from ipyleaflet import LayersControl
12.9. 8. Adding Interactive Widgets#
Widgets enable real-time interaction with the map.
from ipywidgets import FloatSlider
zoom_slider = FloatSlider(description="Zoom Level", min=1, max=20, value=m.zoom)
def zoom_change(change):
m.zoom = change["new"]
zoom_slider.observe(zoom_change, "value")
12.10. Summary#
ipyleaflet enables interactive mapping in Jupyter Notebooks.
Supports markers, tile layers, GeoJSON, and choropleth maps.
Interactive widgets enhance user experience.
Suitable for real-time geospatial data visualization.