Lab 3#

This lab guides you through the process of creating, setting up, documenting, and publishing a Python package for geospatial applications. By the end of this lab, you will have a structured package with version control, automated checks, and online documentation.

Exercise 1: Create a Python Package Using Cookiecutter#

Objective: Generate a well-structured Python package using a standardized template.


  1. Install Cookiecutter if you haven’t already:

    pip install cookiecutter bump-my-version
  2. Use the following template to create your package:

    cookiecutter gh:opengeos/cookiecutter-pypackage
  3. Follow the prompts to customize your package.

  4. Create a new repository on GitHub and push your package code to it.


Exercise 2: Set Up Pre-Commit Hooks#

Objective: Automate code quality checks using pre-commit hooks to enforce best practices.


  1. Navigate to and sign in with your GitHub account.

  2. Add your package repository to

  3. Create a .pre-commit-config.yaml file in your repository or use an example configuration: Example Pre-Commit Config

  4. Install the pre-commit hooks:

    pre-commit install
  5. Test the hooks by running:

    pre-commit run --all-files
  6. Commit the .pre-commit-config.yaml file and push it to GitHub.

Exercise 3: Enable MkDocs for Documentation#

Objective: Set up an online documentation site for your package using MkDocs. The cookiecutter template already includes MkDocs, so you can start writing documentation right away.


  1. Install required packages for documentation:

    conda activate YOUR-ENV-NAME
    pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
  2. Update Markdown files in the docs/ directory.

  3. Serve the documentation locally:

    mkdocs serve
  4. Commit and push the changes to GitHub.

  5. Enable GitHub Pages and use the gh-pages branch for the source.

Reference: Example MkDocs Website

Exercise 4: Make a GitHub Release and Publish on PyPI#

Objective: Create a package release and distribute it to PyPI.


  1. Bump the package version using bump-my-version:

    bump-my-version bump patch/minor/major
  2. Commit the version change and push it to GitHub.

    git push
    git push --tags
  3. Create a GitHub release:

    • Go to the “Releases” tab on GitHub.

    • Click “Draft a new release.”

    • Select the tag version from the dropdown.

    • Click “Generate release notes.”

    • Click “Publish release.”

  4. Make sure your package is automatically published on PyPI using GitHub Actions.

Reference: Example GitHub Release

Submission Requirements#

Submit the following information:

  1. A link to your package repository on GitHub.

  2. A link to the pre-commit yaml file in your repository.

  3. A link to the online documentation site for your package.

  4. A link to the GitHub release page for your package.

  5. A link to your package on PyPI.


In this lab, you have:

✅ Created a Python package using Cookiecutter

✅ Set up pre-commit hooks for automated code quality checks

✅ Enabled MkDocs for documentation

✅ Released and published your package on PyPI

Now, your package is ready for distribution and use by the geospatial community! 🚀